Welcome to the Theory of Computation group!

The Theory of Computation group at the Technion hosts world leading researchers, postdocs and graduate students in Algorithms, Cryptography, Complexity Theory, Algorithmic Game Theory and Distributed Systems. Our group has been awarded many prizes and grants, including several prestigious ERC grants.

Theory Lab

Meet Our Team

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Keren Censor-Hillel
Keren Censor-Hillel
David Wajc
David Wajc
Tomer Gewirtzman
Tomer Gewirtzman
Einav Huberman
Einav Huberman
Eldar Fischer
Eldar Fischer
Varun Narayanan
Varun Narayanan
Roy Schwartz
Roy Schwartz
Kirill Kutsenok
Kirill Kutsenok
Hadas Shachnai
Hadas Shachnai
Dor Katzelnick
Dor Katzelnick
Tomer Even
Tomer Even
Yaroslav Alekseev
Yaroslav Alekseev
Majd Khoury
Majd Khoury
Yael Shabtay
Yael Shabtay
Amit Ganz
Amit Ganz
Yuval Filmus
Yuval Filmus
Or Keret
Or Keret
Ron Rothblum
Ron Rothblum
Noor Athamnah
Noor Athamnah
Gilad-Dov Shmerler
Gilad-Dov Shmerler
Konstantin Zabarnyi
Konstantin Zabarnyi
Seffi Naor
Seffi Naor
Tomer Lange
Tomer Lange
Eyal Kushilevitz
Eyal Kushilevitz
Ilan Doron Arad
Ilan Doron Arad
Omri Ben-Eliezer
Omri Ben-Eliezer
Tomer Tsachor
Tomer Tsachor
Yuval Ishai
Yuval Ishai
Antoine Vinciguerra
Antoine Vinciguerra
Liav Zafar
Liav Zafar
Eyal Kushnir
Eyal Kushnir
Tal Alon
Tal Alon
Ivan Geffner
Ivan Geffner
Tomer Adar
Tomer Adar
Ariel Kulik
Ariel Kulik
Jack Doerner
Jack Doerner
Rotem Shavitt
Rotem Shavitt
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Upcoming Seminar

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PhD and MSc positions with Ron Rothblum
A PostDoc or PhD position with Eldar Fischer
MSc and PhD positions with Keren Censor-Hillel
Postdoc and visiting student positions with Yuval Filmus
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Tuesday, June 29, 2021
Picture for Farewell dinner for Marc and Nitin
Tuesday, June 29, 2021
Picture for Trip to Sde Boker
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Picture for Welcome dinner for postdocs
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