Seminar Upcoming

The Technion Theory Lunch is a seminar run by the theory group at the Department of Computer Science, Technion. The seminar holds weekly meetings in which graduate students and faculty from the Technion and other universities in Israel and abroad present recent results or other interesting topics in theoretical computer science. The seminar is open to faculty, graduate and undergraduate students interested in theory of computing.

Icon of seminar time  Wednesdays, 13:00-14:00 (food starts at 12:45)
Icon of seminar place  Room 619, Amado Building (Math)

If you are interested in giving a talk at the seminar, contact Ron Rothblum and/or David Wajc.

The seminar’s mailing list is used to announce our weekly meetings, and also to publicize CS theory related events, such as workshops and seminars, in Israel and abroad.

To join or leave our mailing list.

Merav Parter -- TBD
Show and Hide Ext. Content for Merav Parter -- TBD
Wed, August 7
Merav Parter (Weizmann)
Noga Amit -- TBD
Show and Hide Ext. Content for Noga Amit -- TBD
Wed, August 14
Noga Amit (UC Berkeley)
A stronger bound for linear 3-LCC
Show and Hide Ext. Content for A stronger bound for linear 3-LCC
Wed, August 21
Tal Yankovitz (Tel Aviv University)
A q-locally correctable code (LCC) C:{0,1}^k->{0,1}^n  is a code in which it is possible to correct every bit of a (not too) corrupted codeword by making at most q queries to the word. The cases in which q is constant are of special interest, and so are the cases that C is linear.

In a breakthrough result Kothari and Manohar (STOC 2024) showed that for linear 3-LCC n=2^Ω(k^1/8) . In this work we prove that n=2^Ω(k^1/4) . As Reed-Muller codes yield 3-LCC with n=2^O(k^1/2) , this brings us closer to closing the gap. Moreover, in the special case of design-LCC (into which Reed-Muller fall) the bound we get is n=2^Ω(k^1/3).