David Wajc, Prof.
Research Interests:
{Online, Dynamic, Streaming, Distributed, ...} algorithms
Eldar Fischer, Prof.
Research Interests:
Property testing, PCPs, Graph Theory (especially Regularity), Logic in Computer Science
Eyal Kushilevitz, Prof.
Research Interests:
Cryptography; Machine learning; Computational complexity and Communication complexity; Randomized distributed protocols
Hadas Shachnai, Prof.
Research Interests:
Design and analysis of algorithms for combinatorial optimization problems, in particular, algorithms for packing, scheduling and resource allocation problems arising in Information and Communication services; parameterized algorithms and their usage in approximation; randomized algorithms; parallel computation
Keren Censor-Hillel, Prof.
Research Interests:
Distributed Computing, especially Probabilistic Algorithms and Lower Bounds, and Theory of Computing in General
Omri Ben-Eliezer, Prof.
Research Interests:
Theoretical modeling of modern massive, complex, and challenging computational environments. Focus Areas: sublinear algorithms; beyond worst case analysis of algorithms; robustness and privacy; knowledge representation; complex networks.
Ron Rothblum, Prof.
Research Interests:
Cryptography; Complexity Theory
Roy Schwartz, Prof.
Research Interests:
Design and analysis of algorithms, combinatorial optimization, approximation algorithms, the geometry of metric spaces and its applications, submodular optimization, and randomized algorithms
Seffi Naor, Prof.
Research Interests:
Theory of algorithms and applications; Randomness and computation. Specific: Approximation and on-line algorithms; Combinatorial optimization; Randomized algorithms; Communication networks; Parallel computation
Yuval Filmus, Prof.
Research Interests:
Computational complexity, Proof complexity, Analysis of Boolean Functions, Combinatorics
Yuval Ishai, Prof.
Research Interests:
Cryptography; Complexity Theory
Hila Mizrahi, Research Assistant